3 Common Problems in Influencer Marketing & How to Fix Them
Influencer marketing is an opportunity for your brand to connect with your audience in a relevant way. But whether you’re about to launch your first influencer campaign or you have dozens under your belt, you’re likely to run into these common problems. Here are a few strategies to solve them.
Not Enough Time
The problem:
Planning and executing an effective influencer campaign takes a lot of time. From drafting the creative brief and selecting influencers to meeting milestones and tracking results, each step requires organization and attention to detail. And when you have a small or overextended staff, time can feel like your biggest obstacle.
The solution:
The first step is acceptance. What you put into your campaign is what you get out of it – and there are never quite enough hours in the day. But you can take steps to streamline your efforts to make the most of your time.
Build templates for creative briefs, calendars, influencer agreements or anything else you will use in future campaigns. Make sure all your team members know what they are responsible for and when each piece is due. What can you automate? What can you delegate?
Not Enough Money
The problem:
Sure, a seven-figure influencer marketing budget would be great, but it’s not always what we have to work with. You have to stretch your resources, which can feel restrictive.
The solution:
Focus on quality over quantity. Let go of the idea that you need a huge name (or a huge budget) to use influencer marketing effectively. If your budget is modest, look for passionate micro-influencers.
Spend time carefully screening influencers before agreeing to collaborate, and think beyond just one post or campaign. How can you work together to create valuable content? How can you engage their community in a meaningful way? Building a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with influencers is a smart move for your brand and your ROI.
According to a survey from the Association of National Advertisers, brands are moving away from transactional, per-post compensation; around 62% of those surveyed have “brand ambassadorship” agreements with influencers.
Too Much Control
The problem:
You’ve finally found great influencers to work with, but you’re struggling to find the right collaborative balance. You want them to have creative license, but you can’t let them do whatever they want. You want to maintain your brand’s standards and values, but you don’t want your influencer content to feel stiff and scripted.
The solution:
If you’ve done your homework, you’ve selected influencers who know their audience and how to engage them. Give them an active role in crafting the campaign. Seek their feedback, and listen to them when they push back on your ideas. Set clear guidelines and expectations, and then let them do what they do best. Remember that you wanted to work with them in the first place, and trust their expertise.
Learn more about MtoM’s influencer marketing work.