Facebook Update May Lead to a Rise in Influencer Marketing

Since Facebook announced the latest changes to its News Feed algorithm, industry reactions have been mixed – ranging from cautious optimism to full-scale panic. With this recent update, Facebook is concentrating on building more authentic connections and meaningful interactions within its audience. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that news and branded content will show up less…

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What Brands Need to Know about Facebook’s News Feed Changes

Facebook is changing what you will see in your News Feed – but probably not in the way you expect. Instead of expanding its content offerings or advertising opportunities, Facebook is refocusing the News Feed to prioritize personal connections over content from publishers and marketers. In a January 12 post, Mark Zuckerberg wrote: We built Facebook…

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Improve Your Social Media Monitoring

Because of social media’s omnipresence, it’s never been easier for you to connect with your customers. At any moment, you can receive instant feedback on your new product or content, or you can listen in on conversations about your brand or industry. Of course, this constant stream of data from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube…

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