Posts Tagged ‘social media’
Snapchat is Growing Even Bigger with New Updates
If you’re over a certain age, it’s likely you didn’t really get Snapchat in the beginning. So it’s an app teenagers use to send each other photos that disappear after a few seconds? Huh. Why is this a big deal again? When did I get so old? (This was my reaction in a nutshell, so…
Read MoreWhy Influencer Marketing is the Best Investment You Can Make
You only have so many marketing dollars to spend every year (unless you’re among the lucky few who have a blank check to work with). And you’re constantly having to prioritize where to use that budget to get the most bang for your buck. It’s a struggle when you’re not sure which efforts will lead…
Read MoreSocial Media Round-up: What’s New for Brands
It’s been a busy couple weeks in social media land. Here are a few social media marketing stories you might have missed. Facebook Facebook Live Will Rank Higher in News Feed Since its launch in December 2015, Facebook Live has been growing in popularity. It’s open to all verified Pages and public figures using Mentions,…
Read MoreGoodbye, Online Ads; Hello, Influencer Marketing
It’s a dirty little secret that no one in marketing wants to admit: we all hate traditional digital ads. Think about it. When was the last time you were killing a few minutes online and a banner ad intrigued you so much that you thought, “Wow! This is fantastic. I can’t wait to click through…
Read MoreMtoM’s Celebrity & Athlete Influencer Marketing
Authenticity is at the core of the marketing we do at MtoM. We partner with brands we believe in, ranging from family and lifestyle to millennial and fashion companies. And we use targeted influencer marketing to amplify their message in an authentic way that really speaks to their audience. Why Influencer Marketing? There’s so much information available online…
Read MoreCreating An Effective Social Strategy
Whether you have 100 followers or 10 million, everyone wants a more meaningful social media presence. In today’s world of twitter that is full of everyone from the President of the Unites States to your 13-year-old neighbor, it is important to be creating content that will make you visible to your target market, as well…
Read MoreThe güdly app: paying it forward on social media
We probably don’t have to tell you how much we love social media around here. We’re constantly amazed by how social networks allow us to stay connected, share content and engage in meaningful conversations in so many ways. Making social media a safer space But unfortunately, there can also be a dark side to social…
Read MoreThe güdly app: paying it forward on social media
We probably don’t have to tell you how much we love social media around here. We’re constantly amazed by how social networks allow us to stay connected, share content and engage in meaningful conversations in so many ways. Making social media a safer space But unfortunately, there can also be a dark side to social…
Read MoreInfographic: Snapchat vs. Facebook
The week’s winding down so let’s have a little fun. Here’s a quirky infographic comparing Snapchat and Facebook. It’s a little hokey but points out some interesting differences between the two social platforms. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments. Infographic created by DPFOC Canada & USA
Read MoreBehind Successful Online Video Advertising
With over 100 hours of video uploads on YouTube every 60 seconds, more than 4.75 billion pieces of content on Facebook every 24 hours, and 500 million new tweets per day, marketing on social media can seem daunting. But, social media is an awesome leveler: any company can shine, regardless of brand awareness or marketing…
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