MtoM Blog

Marketing to Moms Via Bravo

By Christine Wilson | October 13, 2014

It is no secret that I am huge fan of Bravo and that the network appeals to a highly sought after mom demo. Their viewers are primarily more affluent, college educated women and 51% have children in the household. Brands have certainly taken notice and we have seen plenty of brand promotion in the WWHL Clubhouse.…

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AdWeek reports: Marketers are ditching Facebook in favor of microsites

By Christine Wilson | October 10, 2014

Here’s an interesting development we read about in AdWeek: more and more digital marketers have started using Facebook as an entry point for engaging their target audiences rather than a host for branded content. Why? Facebook’s own algorithms dictate what pops up in a user’s News Feed, so marketers can’t predict whether, when or how their carefully crafted messages are…

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The Problem With Pitching

By Christine Wilson | October 8, 2014

Media outreach is tricky. What may seem like an easy target, often falls on deaf ears because journalists receive hundreds of email pitches every day. It can be difficult to cut through the clutter and make an impression. Nowsourcing put together this awesome infographic that shows what to do and not to do when reaching…

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target girls' shorts

How One Mom Got Target to Address Their Girls’ Clothing Problem

By Tracey McCoy | October 3, 2014

I came upon an amazing article on today. A mommy blogger wrote an article about the selection of girls’ clothing at Target — specifically, she highlighted the shockingly short length of girls’ shorts. The post went viral instantly and was featured on Huffington Post and shared on numerous parenting sites. And something super cool happened:…

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Don’t Miss Out On The Fun of Halloween Marketing!

By Christine Wilson | October 1, 2014

October is here and the countdown is on to Halloween. Does your brand have a marketing strategy in place to capitalize on this spookatkluar time of year? If your answer is “no” – don’t fret my pretty, you still have time to pull a rabbit out of your hat and make it happen. Here are…

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#Fantographer: Advertising With Your Followers

By Elizabeth Robinson | October 1, 2014

Social media has already massively dispersed the reach of major brands in recent years. Now a trend toward user-generated content is putting on display even more of social media’s advertising muscle by placing more of the creative burden on consumers themselves. Major companies like Frito-Lay, Coca-Cola, and Applebee’s have launched initiatives which have fans submit…

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How to Best Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

By Tracey McCoy | September 30, 2014

It happens to every brand at some point: an unhappy customer or client leaves an angry comment on Facebook or Instagram or sends an upset tweet on Twitter. And how brands deal with these posts can make or break their social presence. A recent article in Inside Facebook, reveals speed is important. In fact, the article reports that 42…

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The Power of Live Tweeting TV Shows

By Christine Wilson | September 30, 2014

If you’re one of the many marketers tasked with getting viewers to tune in to a new or returning TV show, it’s time to start looking into Twitter Parties and live tweeting. Not only does these tactics drive huge engagement numbers, they can also help pump up ratings. Need more proof? Live-tweeting boosts follower growth rate and conversations. According to…

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mobile social media

The Ever-Changing Game of Social Media

By Christine Wilson | September 27, 2014

For most of my generation, Myspace was the first major social media site we used. While others existed, like Friendster and Hi5, they failed to hold an audience. Myspace catered to its users, allowing us to talk more about ourselves showing off our top friends. At the time, Facebook started to come around but it seemed like…

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marketer puzzling out a strategy

Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation

By Christine Wilson | September 25, 2014

Are you keeping up with the times? Chances are, if you’re a marketer, you’re still living in the dark ages (say, 2011) when it comes to how you use social media metrics to help guide your marketing decisions, writes Pernille Bruun-Jens in a recent piece for AdWeek. According to the CMO Council’s State of Marketing 2014…

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