MtoM’s Top Initiatives for 2017: #1 User-Generated Content

2017 is already off and running, and we are thrilled about what the new year holds for MtoM. We have defined three main initiatives that we will be incorporating into everything we do in 2017: user-generated content, livestreaming video and immersive content for virtual reality. After tracking past data and looking ahead to developing trends,…

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Snapchat Partners Will Target Ads Based on Offline Behavior

Snapchat users may soon notice a more personalized touch to the ads they see. Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, has been aggressively expanding its advertising offerings over the course of the last year. From high-dollar NFL packages, to interactive movie and TV Snapcodes, the company has been creative in testing new ways to…

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Restaurants Breaking Through the Mold on Facebook Live

As every article and outlet pushes marketers and brands to use Facebook Live, the increasing amount of videos directed at consumers prompts one big question: how do you get them to actually view your video? While the streaming time is best kept short, one would hope to keep a viewer for longer than 3 seconds…

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Apps That Will Be Your BFF in 2017

Over the past month we have seen a steady stream of digital marketing predictions for 2017–which forms of content to focus on, which platforms will thrive and which will continue to decline, strategies to implement–the list goes on and on. And if you’re a social media strategist, you’re paying close attention and strategizing about which…

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How Chat & Messaging Apps Can Bolster Customer Service

How brands provide customer service is changing. For years, when consumers had questions or problems to address, their options were to pick up the phone or send an email. Now new tools, such as chat technology and messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, are offering retailers the opportunity to widen their scope of communication. Research from…

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Tracey’s Influencer Marketing Insight Featured on!

Our very own COO, Tracey McCoy, was recently featured on Her incredibly insightful article takes a deeper look into influencer marketing and the skyrocketing influencer rates seen across the industry. Tracey addresses the rising concerns of high rates threatening partnerships between agencies and influencers.  She recommends 3 tips the industry should consider when faced with…

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How User-Generated Content Helped Polaroid Boost Sales by 180%

In 2001, Polaroid filed for bankruptcy as it struggled to pay down its large debt and compete with emerging digital photo technology. Yet in 2016, the brand is strong and its sales are thriving – in no small part due to its savvy leverage of user-generated content. Polaroid’s parent company, C&A Marketing, hired Aaron Paine…

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