We Love Our Clients: Levana

As part of our ‘We Love Our Clients” feature, we are highlighting Levana as our second featured client! Based in Niagara Falls, Canada, SVAT (Superior Value Added Technologies) was born out of necessity. Rajesh (Raj) Jain founded the company in 2002, after a break-in at his business.  After looking for a reliable, user-friendly video security system,…

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Sharon Schneider

Meet Moxie Jean CEO and Co-Founder, Sharon Schneider

MtoM is excited to be working with a new client, Moxie Jean, an e-commerce website featuring upscale resale children’s clothing. The company was co-founded 2 years ago by Sharon Schneider, a former client services executive.  “I love organic, well-made clothes (buying well-made clothes, furniture and other goods is one way to be “green”), but as a…

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How Marketers Can Understand Millennials: Dump the Stereotypes

While perusing MediaBistro earlier today (one of my go-to sites that’s always full of useful and helpful information,) I came across an interesting article: First Step For Marketers to Understand Millennials: Dump the Stereotypes. This headline stuck out to me because defaulting to stereotypes can happen so easily when a demo isn’t understood. But it isn’t…

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