How to Best Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

It happens to every brand at some point: an unhappy customer or client leaves an angry comment on Facebook or Instagram or sends an upset tweet on Twitter. And how brands deal with these posts can make or break their social presence. A recent article in Inside Facebook, reveals speed is important. In fact, the article reports that 42…

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The Power of Live Tweeting TV Shows

If you’re one of the many marketers tasked with getting viewers to tune in to a new or returning TV show, it’s time to start looking into Twitter Parties and live tweeting. Not only does these tactics drive huge engagement numbers, they can also help pump up ratings. Need more proof? Live-tweeting boosts follower growth rate and conversations. According to…

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mobile social media

The Ever-Changing Game of Social Media

For most of my generation, Myspace was the first major social media site we used. While others existed, like Friendster and Hi5, they failed to hold an audience. Myspace catered to its users, allowing us to talk more about ourselves showing off our top friends. At the time, Facebook started to come around but it seemed like…

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marketer puzzling out a strategy

Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation

Are you keeping up with the times? Chances are, if you’re a marketer, you’re still living in the dark ages (say, 2011) when it comes to how you use social media metrics to help guide your marketing decisions, writes Pernille Bruun-Jens in a recent piece for AdWeek. According to the CMO Council’s State of Marketing 2014…

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We Love our Clients: Moxie Jean

As part of our ‘We Love Our Clients” feature, we are highlighting Moxie Jean as our third featured client!  Moxie Jean is “upscale resale,” making it easy for busy moms to buy and sell high quality, like-new kids’ clothes online. They provide a curated selection of kids’ clothes at consignment sale prices with a 100% satisfaction…

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The Explosion of Influencer Marketing

A recent article by Forbes discussed the explosive growth of influencer marketing and the impact social influencers have on consumers. We have been telling this story for years and it was great to see it so well summarized by Kyle Wong. He actually closed the article with one of our favorite quotes from Scott Cook,…

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facebook bidding guide

Infographic: Bid Types for Facebook Ads

Let’s be honest: Facebook’s advertising platform can be a bit intimidating at first blush. From the dynamic Power Editor to the impressive targeting capabilities to the various bidding options, it can be confusing when you first start diving in. For the novice or first time marketer, it can be a lot to digest. When creating ads, one…

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nostalgia marketing

Nostalgia Marketing

The difficult and essential job of marketers is to create a need or want that resonates with consumers. And in today’s increasingly dynamic marketplace, marketers are interminably adapting to consumer behaviors. Recently, cereal companies have found themselves fighting against the rising tide of health-conscious millennials and gluten-free eating by providing new, healthier offerings and repacking…

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