The Buzz About Millennial Moms

Wow- have you heard all of the buzz about Millennial Moms? It has been buzzing for awhile, but we are hitting a fever pitch as they move into an even more desirable age demographic and brands want to know how to connect with them. They are clearly a powerful group and there are key differences…

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Why You Should Read Holly Hamann’s Posts on LinkedIn

One of MtoM’s most significant partnerships is with TapInfluence. This genius technology company (no, I’m not overstating!) provides the platform that helps us run our influencer marketing campaigns flawlessly–keeping both clients and bloggers extremely happy. We’ve developed a great relationship with one of the co-founders, Holly Hamann. Not only did Holly and our very own Christine Wilson present…

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Is Shopping Coming to Twitter? Of Course It Is At Some Point!

Jason Del Ray from Re/code reported yesterday that Buy Now buttons were seen on Twitter in tweets from the Fancy shopping app. No one from Twitter is confirming or denying the buy now buttons and they haven’t given any details about what we should expect from an e-commerce integration on Twitter. An early discoverer of the…

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Entrepreneurship: The Challenges and Rewards

I recently read the article The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship and I was amazed at how much it resonated with me. MtoM is not a multi-million dollar tech start-up but we have experienced incredible growth and expansion over the past year and I know the stress can often feel overwhelming. It was reassuring to know that…

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