Client Profile – Appleseed Lane

We are so excited to be working with Appleseed Lane, a subscription box service that delivers hands-on, STEM-themed projects for children to your door each month. We know that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education is the future for our children, given the technological age that we live in, and our mission is to show moms that STEM…

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Nulla Magna

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How Twitter Can Impact TV Ratings

Over the past year, we’ve demonstrated that when harnessed correctly, Twitter can impact television ratings. We help our clients, both networks and production companies, move the ratings needle. We’ve successfully driven viewership and directed new demographics to shows. I recently stumbled across the media section on Twitter and was pleasantly surprised at the extremely thorough…

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5 Ways to Prepare for a Media Interview

A media interview is an excellent opportunity to communicate information about your company. Keep in mind, however, that the job of the media is report news and tell a balanced story, not to promote your product, so it’s important to prepare a game plan and learn how to take control of the interview and integrate…

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The True Power of Sponsored Blog Posts

Influencer marketing is blowing up: many brands and businesses are starting to talk about how they can incorporate bloggers into their marketing strategies. And inevitably, along the way, the following questions pop up: what’s the value of a sponsored post? Why do we need to work with bloggers? Won’t the blog’s readers know they were…

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5 Benefits of Influencer Marketing

We speak with a lot of clients that are just learning about influencer marketing and they aren’t completely sure of why they should add it to their marketing plan and budget. They are often hung up on one metric- how many people will it drive to my website? That is definitely an important factor and…

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The Catch-22 of Facebook Pages

In the not so distant past, Facebook pages were a great way for brands and businesses to connect with their customers. It provided a platform for local businesses to share scheduling updates and closings (important during the snowy season) and brands could introduce new products and marketing campaigns to their most loyal fans in a…

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How PR and Influencer Marketing Can Mix

There are many different ways to work with bloggers. In the parenting space, blogger promotions – where influencers are compensated to develop sponsored posts in their authentic voice – are on the rise. They are absolutely valuable when executed on their own, but adding a PR component to a brand’s campaign can increase the reach…

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