2015 is the Year of Video!

If you don’t have video as part of social media strategy this year then it is time to add it in! Video is being rewarded more than ever on Facebook and a recent study by Socialbakers shows that photo posts are half as likely to be shown as video posts. I have seen the increase in videos being shown to more people for awhile now and I have been encouraging clients to create as much video content as possible.

In the study, Socialbakers found that video posts had an organic reach of 8.71% while photo posts only had a reach of 3.73%. To our surprise text only updates had a reach of 5.77% and link posts had a reach of 5.29%. We still think it is important to create engaging visuals, but photo posts are clearly not the dominant post type that they once were.

Here is a great example of a new client that started working with us in February that has seen major benefits from a very small (under $100) boosted post budget and video content. You can see the large increase in organic (unpaid) reach as a result of both. Prior to this they had almost no reach and this week a 5 second video was able to organically reach almost 1000 people.


So grab your phones, your fancy cameras, whatever you have, and start creating videos. Hyperlapse is a great tool for those that are unsure of their skills.



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