The MtoM Minute: Nikki Johnson

Welcome to the second edition of the MtoM Minute! We’re excited to introduce you to one of our Directors of Social Media, Nikki Johnson.

1) Heels or flats? Pre kids I lived in heels, now I only wear flats and if I’m wearing heels, there are flats in my bag!

2) What’s your favorite iPad app? Instagram. obsessed.

3) If you could go bowling with any three celebrities, who would you pick? Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson. Don’t make fun of me… they would be so much fun!

4) Name your favorite city in the world. Probably London. The food isn’t the greatest, but I have been there a few times and always have the best time. Plus, who doesn’t love a British accent?

5) What TV show are you obsessed with watching? Big Brother. I used to tape it in college when I went out for the night. Yes, pre DVR, I used blank tapes so I wouldn’t miss my beloved Big Brother episodes.

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