MtoM Blog

Alex from Target

To Meme, or Not to Meme

By Christine Wilson | November 12, 2014

This past week, a 16 year old named Alex became famous in ONE day.  Someone took a picture of him working and created a meme, dubbing him #AlexfromTarget. He now has over 500,000 Twitter followers and has even made an appearance on The Ellen Show. Target even embraced his new found fame, saying, “We heart Alex,…

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eMarketer Interview with Christine

By Christine Wilson | November 10, 2014

I recently got a call from eMarketer about our Millennial Mom research. They asked to interview me about how millennial moms are affected by mobile technology, social media, and the “always on” society. We discussed how social media usage is changing with millennials and what makes their lives easier and what actually causes more stress.…

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Behind Successful Online Video Advertising

By Christine Wilson | November 3, 2014

With over 100 hours of video uploads on YouTube every 60 seconds, more than 4.75 billion pieces of content on Facebook every 24 hours, and 500 million new tweets per day, marketing on social media can seem daunting. But, social media is an awesome leveler: any company can shine, regardless of brand awareness or marketing…

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The Ideal Length of Everything Online, From Tweets to YouTube Videos (Infographic)

By Tracey McCoy | October 31, 2014

How long are the most engaging tweets? How long are the most viewed videos on YouTube? How many characters are in the best performing Facebook updates? How long should email subject lines be? AdWeek just released a great infographic: The Ideal Length of Everything Online. Below are a couple of helpful snippets pulled from the infographic…

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The Digital Country Club

The Digital Country Club

By Elizabeth Robinson | October 30, 2014

Exclusivity and high society aren’t just for smoking rooms and golf courses anymore – the upper upper class has moved to the web. The following offer a glimpse into the ways that those with thousands (or more) to spare can connect. Netropolitan It is Facebook for the 1% – an extremely niche market. According to The…

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Coming Soon to a Snapchat Near You

By Christine Wilson | October 29, 2014

Wherever you are, they will find their way in. We’re talking about advertisements, of course. Brands want to reach you and will adapt to popular platforms to be seen. If the masses are interacting on a specific site or social media application, brands need to be there. It is their job to be relatable and bring the…

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Blogs Give Real Boost to Brand Marketing

By Christine Wilson | October 28, 2014

We came across this delightful little nugget while reading Direct Marketing News the other day: Blogs are 63% more likely to influence purchasing decisions than magazines.  That stat just sort of popped out at us while we were reading DM News Senior Editor Natasha D. Smith’s take on this year’s trends in social media marketing.…

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Advertising Week 2014: Millennial Takeover!

By Christine Wilson | October 21, 2014

MtoM’s CEO, Christine Wilson, and the rest of the Millennial team (myself included!) traveled to New York City for Advertising Week a couple weeks ago. We had a great time and learned so much from the many sessions. Thinking back to what stood out the most, it would have to be the word “Millennial.”  Whether the…

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They Speak Our Language: Millennials, Personal Branding, and the Need for Authenticity

By Elizabeth Robinson | October 15, 2014

If only Dorothy hadn’t looked behind the curtain. She would never have realized just how powerless the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz really was; she would never have seen through his theatrics. But she did. And there was nothing there but a man. Though she certainly doesn’t qualify as a millennial, Dorothy may as…

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Millennials Love These Three Words!

By Christine Wilson | October 14, 2014

If you’re a part of the millennial generation then you probably know exactly three words I’m talking about. Need another hint? What comes to mind when I say “fall beverage”? If you haven’t guessed it, then let me direct you to its Twitter page: @TheRealPSL. That’s right, Starbucks created a Twitter account for their popular…

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