MtoM Blog

LIVE Streaming for All on Facebook- Add it to Our Toolbox with Periscope & Meerkat

By Christine Wilson | December 4, 2015

I have been waiting for this news- live streaming is being rolled out to EVERYONE on Facebook finally. I love that I now have a whole arsenal of live streaming options for my clients- Periscope, Meerkat, Blab, Facebook Live Video! As a side note, Facebook also announced picture collages yesterday, which is also exciting, but the…

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15 Ways to Use Periscope in Your Business

By Christine Wilson | December 3, 2015

We at MtoM are big fans of Periscope and utilize it frequently for our clients. It is a great way to connect with your audience in real time and to share information with your followers. We recently posted about How Periscope & Meerkat Can Liven Up Your Marketing and wanted to follow it up with this infographic…

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Most used words

What You’re Really Sharing with the “Most Used Words” Facebook App

By Gillian Burgess | December 2, 2015

A new wildly popular Facebook app can tell you which words you’ve used the most often on your profile, but it might also give advertisers access to more personal data than you’ve bargained for. More than 18 million people have used the “My Most Used Words on FB” app, designed by Korean company, which…

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Video in Marketing Strategy: 2015 & Beyond

By Christine Wilson | November 19, 2015

If you spend any part of your day killing time on the Internet, it won’t surprise you to hear that video reigns supreme in the content hierarchy. Video is the type of content that people seek out and engage with – for news, information and entertainment – and it’s only becoming more popular. As I…

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The Successes & Challenges of Influencer Marketing

By Christine Wilson | November 13, 2015

In the days before social media and blogs (in other words, the not-so-distant past), only the big brands with the even bigger budgets could afford to pay influencers to promote their products and services. This usually meant signing an actor or an athlete or a musician as a brand ambassador to wear your clothing line,…

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What’s the Deal with Ad Blocking?

By Christine Wilson | November 5, 2015

Ad blocking is not a new phenomenon – there have long been different software options for consumers who want to avoid ads – but it’s reaching a fever pitch right now. Tools that block online ads are becoming hugely popular, with close to 200 million people worldwide using ad blocking software each month. And Apple…

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influencer marketer

Goodbye, Online Ads; Hello, Influencer Marketing

By Christine Wilson | October 30, 2015

It’s a dirty little secret that no one in marketing wants to admit: we all hate traditional digital ads. Think about it. When was the last time you were killing a few minutes online and a banner ad intrigued you so much that you thought, “Wow! This is fantastic. I can’t wait to click through…

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video influencers

Influencers + Professional Videographers= Awesome!

By Christine Wilson | October 21, 2015

As marketers we all know that video is a very important part of our content strategy and we are gearing up for it to become even more important in 2016. According to Cisco VNI, consumer internet video traffic will go from 64% in 2014 to surpass 80% by 2019. Marketers are responding by shifting television…

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Is Whisper the New Secret Success in Advertising?

By Christine Wilson | October 2, 2015

Whisper, an anonymous app that allows users to post thoughts on everything from relationships and fears to pop culture and humor, seems to be growing in popularity with not only users – but also with advertisers.  While its competitor, Secret, shut down in April after building 15 million users and $35 million in venture capital,…

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Instagram Advertising

Instagram Opens Advertising To All: What This Means for Brands

By Christine Wilson | September 17, 2015

After nearly 18 months of testing, Instagram announced this week it’s ready to open paid advertising to all businesses as well as allow advertisers to use Facebook targeting to direct ads at Instagram users. Additionally, back in June, the company announced it would soon be expanding its advertising interface to include call-to-action buttons, allowing users…

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