Facebook and Snapchat Focus on Augmented Reality

Facebook and Snapchat are continuously competing in the social media arena: for users, advertisers and features. Last week, both platforms announced new augmented reality tools that offer a preview of how users will soon use their devices to interact with the physical world around them. Last week at Facebook’s annual F8 developer conference, CEO Mark…

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An Overview of Snapchat Advertising

While Snapchat pioneered the ephemeral style of storytelling that is everywhere on social media right now, the app itself has a lot of staying power. Brands, enticed by the platform’s 150 million daily users, are integrating Snapchat into their marketing plans. But advertising on Snapchat is still relatively new territory (it’s only been available since…

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A Guide to Facebook and Instagram Ad Placements

Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns offer measurable and effective ways to reach your audience and meet your brand’s goals. When you create a new ad, you can either choose to run it across all eligible placements in Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network, or manually select your preferred placements. Your selected objective will determine which…

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The Story Behind the Stories

Snapchat pioneered Stories. Then Instagram followed. And now Facebook has jumped on board. The basic functionality of Stories is the same across all three social networks. Users compile photos and short videos – enhancing them with filters, text, drawings and other tools if desired – into a slideshow that is viewable for 24 hours, and…

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