We Need Social Media Metrics – But How Do We Measure Them?

We marketers love our data. Detailed metrics give us insight into our audience and the true influence of our marketing efforts. For social media marketing campaigns, tracking metrics is essential; but this process has become increasingly difficult in a complex digital landscape. An AdWeek article this month outlined the challenges brands face when trying to…

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Tips for Planning a Holiday Influencer Campaign

As the holidays approach, it is an opportune time to work with influencers to achieve a specific goal for your brand. Here are a few tips for engaging your audience through a successful holiday influencer campaign! Set the timeline. Timing is everything with a holiday-themed campaign. You want to allow enough time for your team…

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Are We Going to Ditch Slack for Facebook Workplace?

So it is official, Facebook Workplace (formerly known as Facebook for Work) is live and there are 1,000 companies using it. Unfortunately MtoM is not one of them, so I only know what others have told me. MtoM has been using Slack for almost a year now and it has considerably reduced our internal email…

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Introducing MtoYou

Here at MtoM, we like to think of ourselves as experts in social media and digital marketing. We work hard to stay on top of how people and the world communicate with one another. We have our pulse on the latest apps and news that affects the social sharing space. We know what engages people…

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360 Storytelling: The Latest on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Immersive experiences that alter our reality aren’t new… In 1957 Morton Heilig invented the Sensorama Machine, a simulator that provided the illusion of reality thanks to 3D video, artificial smells, stereo sound, seat vibrations, even fans to create windblown hair. This  “experience theater” for 1-4 people set the stage for the wide range of virtual…

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