What Makes a Great Influencer?

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: influencer marketing is the best investment you can make in your brand. It’s the most effective way to get your ideal customers’ attention and build long-term relationships with them. And it’s achievable for all brands, no matter what size. The biggest challenge in getting…

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Internship at Women Lead Company and the #Girlboss

This post is the final Professional Development class paper for our intern Janhavi Deorukhkar. She received an A+ and brought Christine to tears. Sometimes you don’t realize how insightful the people around you can be. Thank you Janhavi for your incredibly talented, hard work this semester. We are excited to see what you do next because…

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Why Facebook Live is Taking Over Livestreaming Video

First there was Meerkat. Then came Periscope. And then Facebook Live joined the mix – and has been gaining momentum ever since. Livestreaming video is still a recent addition to social media, but it’s already had a huge impact on the way we interact with brands, celebrities and even politicians online. Not convinced? Just take…

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Partner with Influencers to Grow Your Snapchat Followers

Partner with Influencers to Grow Your Snapchat Followers It’s clear that Snapchat is an increasingly powerful marketing tool. With 100 million active daily users, the app offers exciting opportunities for brands to engage directly with customers, in a space where they already spend a lot of time. But Snapchat isn’t your average social network, and…

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Infographics on Social Media: Why They Work & How to Create Them

Infographics provide a valuable way to connect with your audience on social media. We’re all drawn to colorful, attractive visuals, and this is never more true than on social media. Infographics catch your audience’s attention amid all the other distractions. When done well, they engage followers’ interest in a topic, showcase your brand’s expertise, and…

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