Brand New! Snapchat Discover Snapchat announced today that the 9.0 version has been released and includes their new Discover feature. Discover provides news updates and content on channels from media partners such as CNN, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, ESPN, The Food Network, People, National Geographic, Yahoo! News, and more. There will be new content every day that will make discovery…

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Twitter News for Marketers

Here’s a heads-up for businesses that use Twitter to market their brands: there are some interesting changes coming to the Twitterverse, new features that will affect the way users interact with the popular social media platform while also providing some new advertising opportunities. A recent blog post by Lisa Hoover McGreevy offers some tips…

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We Need More Ads!

That was the chant a few dozen hollered as I hastily ran from seminar to seminar during Advertising Week 2014. Though the conference was several months ago, I’m still cycling through what I learned both in and out of the discussions. The first morning, filled with events, people, fresh coffee, and delicious New York bagels, held more…

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A Spirited Conversation with Frederique Irwin

We were honored to have a Spirited Conversation with Frederique Irwin, the Founder and CEO of HerCorner. Our Spirited Conversations host Sharen Sellgren and MtoM’s Christine Wilson sat down with Fred at Lia’s in Chevy Chase in a private space in the back for a few drinks and good talk. HerCorner is a community of women…

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A Spirited Conversation with Ben Lieber

MtoM interviewed Ben Lieber, the founder and CEO of Potomac Law Group, a virtual law firm employing mostly women who need a more flexible schedule. Ben is also an underground poker player in the D.C. area and shared some of his background with me last Friday at Fuego, a noisy Mexican joint in Clarendon.

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A Spirited Conversation with Ben Lundin

MtoM had a great conversation with Ben Lundin at the Tabard Inn in D.C.- Ben is the founder and CEO of a start-up for new parents called Pacify. We learned so much from our conversation about the thought process behind launching a new business. Enjoy!

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What I Learned in 2014

Is there anything better than the endless lists that mark the end of one year and the beginning of another? Of course, we are resolving to eat better, exercise more, grow our business, etc. etc. We are also resolving to take the lessons learned in 2014 to heart and to share them with our clients…

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