Pokémon GO—Channel Your Internal Geek to Make Some External Bank!
The Game:
Pokémon GO has skyrocketed in the past week, quickly becoming this month’s “It Girl” of social media. The app surpassed 7.5 mil downloads in 5 days, and thanks to its photogenic quality, has also become a fan favorite for posting on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat & Facebook. Pokémon GO provides us with an unique opportunity—considering the game relies on activity, interaction and physical proximity to play—businesses can incorporate Pokémon GO to increase revenue.
The Premise:
Luckily, there are a variety of options if you want to help your business catch ’em all. In a nutshell, Pokéstops are stationary areas where players can gather a variety of extra objects & items by visiting. These can be supplemented by implementing Lure modules, which draw Pokémon to your stop for 30 min. Pokéstops are mostly landmarks, street art, or sometimes businesses. Additionally, players (or “trainers”) walk around to try to “catch” Pokémon roaming the streets.
Your Options:
If your business is near or at a Pokéstop, you can buy lure modules and advertise when they are in use. The cost for this turns out to be roughly $1.17/hour, and can be done non stop or in 30 min increments.
If you are not fortunate enough to have your business be right on a Pokéstop, there’s no need to panic! You’re not out of options. You can advertise by offering gift cards or free drinks to customers who tweet or post a photo of Pokémon at your business (see photo below). Another option is to advertise free cell charging stations for those playing the game. One of the biggest grievances of Pokémon GO trainers is that the app sucks down battery, an unfortunate aspect considering the need to be on the go while playing. You never know what you might start up—one Arizona woman created a ‘singles night’ for Pokémon GO trainers! Here’s the event link if you want to join.
A Pokémon being “caught” at a local LA bar:
Learn more about Pokémon GO in our Facebook LIVE post earlier this week: