FTC Cheat Sheet

As sponsored influencer content becomes a more mainstream marketing strategy, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has ramped up enforcement of their rules regarding sponsorship disclosure. We’ve compiled a quick overview of those FTC guidelines so that your marketing remains compliant. While the significant value that sponsored content could bring your brand is attractive and exciting,…

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How Brands Are Engaging Audiences with Snapcodes

No one can accuse Snapchat of being complacent. This past year, the company has been on a roll releasing new features, and amping up its efforts to engage both users and brands. And Snapchat isn’t satisfied with interactions remaining within the app; it’s crossing digital barriers to bring branded campaigns to users in the “real…

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The Positive Side of Politics on Social Media

In the 2016 election, politics and social media are inextricably intertwined… and not always for the better. We follow candidates on Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat – and watch as they duke it out in real time. We share articles and videos on our profiles, and get into heated debates with friends and family. We isolate…

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