How do I drive traffic to my YouTube videos?

With so many social networks competing for your time and budget, you need to be intentional about how you prioritize your marketing efforts. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter often take center stage for brands looking to reach their audience on social media, but don’t underestimate the potential of YouTube. We’ve talked a lot about what…

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How to Do Influencer Marketing the Right Way

Influencer marketing – teaming up with leading bloggers and social media personalities ­in your space – is the most effective way to connect your brand’s message with a receptive audience. It has the power to expand your reach exponentially and take your marketing goals to the next level ­ – but only if you invest…

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15 Ways to Use Periscope in Your Business

We at MtoM are big fans of Periscope and utilize it frequently for our clients. It is a great way to connect with your audience in real time and to share information with your followers. We recently posted about How Periscope & Meerkat Can Liven Up Your Marketing and wanted to follow it up with this infographic…

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