Infographic: Snapchat vs. Facebook

The week’s winding down so let’s have a little fun. Here’s a quirky infographic comparing Snapchat and Facebook. It’s a little hokey but points out some interesting differences between the two social platforms. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments. Infographic created by DPFOC Canada & USA

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digital marketing concepts

Mobile Engagement, Proximity Messaging, and More: Future Trends in Digital Marketing

Attention digital marketers: As you contemplate your company’s marketing strategies for the coming year and beyond, be sure to read Forbes contributor Sujan Patel’s six predictions for 2015. Patel formulated this roundup after consulting with 20 seasoned marketing experts about the changing digital marketing landscape, and quotes from them liberally throughout. Here are the highlights…

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Storytelling Versus Storymaking

Anyone engaged in business has heard about the import of employing storytelling as a means of selling. Stories are a tool scientifically proven to boost sales, and are highly effective not only for short-term profit, but for brand loyalty and advocacy. According to Yesware’s The Exchange, Neuroeconomics pioneer Paul Zak says that, “Stories are powerful…

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advertising buzzfeed

Advertising: From Billboards to Buzzfeed

Remember the days when someone would point out a car window to an amusing billboard? If you’re like me, those days are vague and fading. Advertisements no longer hold my interest as I’m not seeking an injury lawyer, local specialized business, or, rarely, the next fast food stop off the interstate. I do remember the…

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Change or Die: A Corporate Bulletin From Jacob Marley

In Charles Dickens’ beloved novella A Christmas Carol, the ghost Jacob Marley visits miserly Ebenezer Scrooge to warn him of his impending doom should he continue in his selfish, loveless ways. “ I am here tonight to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate,” moaned Marley. For the…

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Alex from Target

To Meme, or Not to Meme

This past week, a 16 year old named Alex became famous in ONE day.  Someone took a picture of him working and created a meme, dubbing him #AlexfromTarget. He now has over 500,000 Twitter followers and has even made an appearance on The Ellen Show. Target even embraced his new found fame, saying, “We heart Alex,…

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eMarketer Interview with Christine

I recently got a call from eMarketer about our Millennial Mom research. They asked to interview me about how millennial moms are affected by mobile technology, social media, and the “always on” society. We discussed how social media usage is changing with millennials and what makes their lives easier and what actually causes more stress.…

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Behind Successful Online Video Advertising

With over 100 hours of video uploads on YouTube every 60 seconds, more than 4.75 billion pieces of content on Facebook every 24 hours, and 500 million new tweets per day, marketing on social media can seem daunting. But, social media is an awesome leveler: any company can shine, regardless of brand awareness or marketing…

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