Why I Love Marketing to Moms

It sounds so exclusive, that old adage: “you’ll understand once you have kids.” But it was absolutely true for me. I may have thought I knew what it was like, but I absolutely DID NOT. My best friend Sam had a baby several years before me. I threw her a baby shower and got her…

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5 Things to Remember When Marketing to Women

1. We don’t just cook, clean, and care for children. I want to roll my eyes here and you probably just did. Of course we do more than cook, clean and mother, but why do so many brands only market those products to us?! Show me the coolest new gadget, a bluetooth headset that will…

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April Fools Day 2014

Last year, we saw quite a few marketers take advantage of April Fools’ Day to appeal to customers’ sense of humor with promotional pranks. Social media has been driving the trend over the past several years because it allows brands to rapidly and inexpensively amplify messages. For example, FreshDirect used social media to introduce a…

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